Last Updated: 10 June 2022

This website is offered by:

Aegean Film Festival (A.F.F.) Greece, contact [email protected]

1 What is this Privacy Policy about

The Aegean Film Festival, hereby called from now on for this document as AFF, adapted its privacy policy to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and informs you, and any user or visitor  through this page about how any collected personal information is stored, processed and disclosed.

The G.D.P.R. ( General Data Protection Regulation) is designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy. It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. The new regulation came into effect on 25 May 2018.

Access to or any other website or system that belongs to AFF is referred to as “the Website” and implies full and unconditional acceptance by the user of this Privacy Policy.

The User of this website fully acknowledges having read the information below and authorizes AFF to deal, in accordance with what is specified below, with the personal data he/she communicates on/to the Website within the framework of the service proposed by AFF.

The Privacy Policy is valid for all the hosted pages on the Website. It is not valid for the hosted pages by third parties that AFF may redirect to and where their privacy policies may differ. AFF cannot be held responsible for any data processed on these websites or by them.

2 Who processes personal data

Data Processing: Access to the Website shall in principle be possible without having to provide any personal data. In some occasions it may be required to provide personal data when accessing private pages in the website, (via a registration or a login page) or when filling specific forms for submitting personal information for specific purposes as described by each form. Such personal data may be for example, a surname, first name, postal address, e-mail address(s), telephone number(s) etc. and technical information that are described as personal such as your IP address. As part of AFF’s Website related service, the User may also be required to transmit certain personal data if those are required for a specific purpose. In any case, the Aegean Film Festival is in charge of controlling  and processing all the personal data, which will only be used for the purposes prior described to the User.

If for any reason you have questions or comments on this privacy policy, or if you want to update, delete, or change any personal data we hold, contact us by email at [email protected]

3 What data is AFF collecting about its users?

AFF is collecting only: Data that you (the user) voluntarily provide to us via any input method. When you send us an email, using the contact form, leaving a comment, register a movie or subscribe for one of our email lists, you are voluntarily giving us information. This information may include either:

  • Personal identification data: your name, first name, address, details regarding the organization you work for, your title or occupation
  • Contact data: phone number and email address
  • Financial identification data: your bank details
  • Electronic identification data: IP address, cookies, location
  • Content: the text of your email or remarks in a form

By giving us this information, you consent to this information being collected, stored and used by us (please see data processing purpose under point 5)

Data that we collect automatically: In all website pages we use session cookies. Those cookies do not carry any personal information. We also use cookies when you navigate our website. Cookies are very small files that are stored on your device, specifically inside the storage of your internet browser. Aegean Film Festival website also collects a series of general data and information when you use it. Those general data and information are stored inside our website’s server log files. Regarding the use of cookies, we can provide you with more user-friendly services that would not be possible without the cookies setting. You can learn more about how we use cookies and how you can manage them in our Cookie Policy.

Registered information on visited servers: When a User accesses the Website, the visited servers automatically save certain data, such as the type of domain with which the User connects to the Internet, the IP address assigned to the User (when logged in), the date and time of access to the Website and other traffic data, location data or other communication data, viewed pages, type of browser used, platform and / or system, the search engine as well as the keywords used to retrieve the Website.

However, no personal data identifying the User is collected through these savings. This information is kept for statistical and improvement purposes only.

Aegean Film Festival uses a third party services (ticketing partner) for selling tickets. Personal data that are transmitted to the ticketing partner, are used exclusively for the purpose of the ticketing service. Ticketing Partner’s privacy policy is applied.


4 How does AFF use my data?

Aegean Film Festival controls and processes data that are collected via the website, offered services and other channels that are used to:

  • Provide, operate, maintain and support our services, including membership activities, event production and coordination, project management, etc.
  • Market and disseminate our services, products, projects and activities to users of the website and subscribers of the mailing list.
  • Process and complete transactions and send related information including invoicing and transaction confirmations.
  • Set up and manage the organization’s contact database in our CRM system and other database systems.
  • Improve our services, communications and communication channels through surveys and questionnaires.
  • Analyze audiences use of our website and other communication channels to adapt and improve the content and user experience of the Website s.
  • to allow the User to receive messages and manage his/her account from different devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.);
  • to detect and / or prevent fraud or similar activities of an illegal nature;
  • to respond to requests for information;
  • for any other purpose for which the User has expressly consented.

5 How does AFF collect data?

Aegean Film Festival collects data via input methods on the website, or external platforms such as mailing systems, social media channels etc. AFF also may use third-party services for communicating with our audiences, and our websites may contain links to other sites hosted by others. Different rules may apply to their collection, use, or disclosure of your personal data. We encourage you to review other platforms’ privacy policies before using them. We do not control, and are thus not responsible for, the content or privacy practices and policies of such other sites and under no circumstances shall we have any liability whatsoever for the activities conducted by or at any website accessed from or through our website.

Websites: AFF is committed to protecting your privacy when you visit our website and any other of those of our projects. By using our websites, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of our Privacy Policy.

In our websites, we integrate Google Analytics, with the anonymizer function. Through Google Analytics, we collect, gather, and analyze data about the behavior of our websites’ visitors. For instance: the website from which a person has come, which sub-pages were visited, or how often and for what duration a sub-page was viewed. We use this information for the optimization of our websites. Read our Cookie policy to know more about Google Analytics and how we use cookies on our websites.

Email Marketing: On AFF’s website and other AFF’s websites or applications, you have the opportunity to subscribe to our email lists. We may use a third-party provider to deliver our emails and e-newsletters. Through this application, we gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies, such as tracking pixels embedded in our email, helping us monitor and improve the communication with our audience. For more information about, read their respective privacy notice.

If you are subscribed to one of our email lists and no longer want to be contacted by us, please unsubscribe directly from our newsletter or contact us at [email protected] to update or delete your data.

Social media: We use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to communicate and interact with our audiences. For more information about their terms of service and privacy policies, check Facebook’s Data Policy, Instagram Privacy and Twitter’s Privacy Policy.

Links: Our websites may include links to websites operated by third parties over which we have no control. Once you leave our websites, our Privacy Policy will not apply.

6 How long does AFF store my data?

AFF does not retain your personal data for longer than is necessary for our organizational purposes, any legal requirements or obligations. If you are a user of our services or a partner, we keep your information until you decide to revoke the permission to contact you again. Upon your request, AFF deletes all personal data  that are not related to any legal obligations we may have. If you are a volunteer, we keep your personal information up to 5 years and delete it automatically afterwards.

Regarding general dissemination of information about our activities, we retain your personal data for as long as you remain subscribed to our email lists and communication channels or our website. Sometimes, we might also clean-up our databases and remove those users who are not active based on the suggestions of our tracking systems.

7 What are my rights regarding the data that AFF has collected about me?

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) empowers EU citizens with certain rights that we are committed to guarantee:

  1. Right to information: You may ask us for information about what personal data we are collecting and how we are processing it.
  2. Right to access: You are entitled to view and request copies of your personal data that we have collected and processed.
  3. Right to rectification: You may ask for modifications in your personal data, including incomplete data to be completed or incorrect data to be corrected.
  4. Right to withdraw consent: You may change your mind regarding your data, and withdraw a previously given consent for processing your personal data for a specific purpose. Should you request it, we would stop the processing of the personal data that was based on the consent provided earlier.
  5. Right to object: you may prohibit certain uses for your data.
  6. Right to object to automated processing: You may object to automated processing. Using this right, you may ask for your requests to be reviewed manually.
  7. Right to be forgotten: you may request that we delete all your personal data without undue delay. It is important to note that this is not an absolute right and depends on the retention schedule and retention period of some data in line with other applicable laws.
  8. Right for data portability: You may ask us to transfer your personal data. As part of such request, you may ask for your personal data to be provided back or transferred to another organization. When doing so, your personal data must be provided or transferred in a machine-readable electronic format.

If you wish to make use of your rights, please send a written request accompanied by proof of your identity to the following address [email protected] . AFF will respond to your request within 1 month after receipt of your request.


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