Art Exhibition

Manolis Pentes

Manolis Pentes was born, lives and works in Patmos. His abstract painting is defined by the wide use of color, as well as the use of various materials on canvas.

He has had solo exhibitions in Patmos in Brussels, Rhodes, and Mykonos and participated in many group exhibitions in Athens, Thessaloniki, Rhodes, France, Rio de Janeiro and elsewhere. His works are in private collections in Greece and in many countries abroad.

The exhibition presents nine selected works from the artist’s latest work, which are being exhibited to the public for the first time. Two works from the “rhythms” series to which the artist returns at regular intervals, for the first time a work using the collage technique, a work on ondoule cardboard pasted on canvas and other works in various styles.

Στην έκθεση παρουσιάζονται εννέα επιλεγμένα έργα από την τελευταία δουλειά του ζωγράφου που εκτίθενται για πρώτη φορά στο κοινό.

Δύο έργα από τη σειρά «ρυθμοί», στην οποία επιστρέφει ο ζωγράφος σε τακτά διαστήματα, για πρώτη φορά ένα έργο με την τεχνική του κολάζ, ένα έργο επάνω σε χαρτόνι οντουλέ που έχει επικολληθεί σε καμβά και άλλα έργα με διάφορες τεχνοτροπίες.

“A Strange Day”


“Mysterioys Forest”

“Blue Sunday” (Doors)

Constanze Eissler

For me, Constanze Eissler is the life of art in person. She takes her time and space and feels her way in every picture. Everything she paints comes from the heart, bringing sound, mood and spirit into the world. The viewer is simultaneously inspired to discover themselves, especially in the abstract pictures.

I can also discover the honesty again and again and the power of the pictures unfolds a new every day. Her warmth of heart and openness towards people makes her an artist who knows how to reflect this in her pictures. Music makes her the painter she is today. Painting and music, the harmony of life.

Everyone should experience and enjoy her in the gallery of the island of Patmos.

if you are interested in purchasing the exhibited works, you can contact Constanze Eissler at the following email address: [email protected]

“Wildflowers” – oil, Ø40

“Here We Go” – oil, 50×50

“Within Me” – oil, 50×60

“Spring in Patmos” – oil, 50×60

Maria Koumbourli

I was born in Thessaloniki, I grew up in Athens, I was a student of the Vakalo school, in the field of graphic art, a love took me to Mykonos where I stayed for 22 years, there near Delos my love for ceramics was declared and revealed in my beloved Patmos where I live permanently in Kampos. I work without a wheel, my studio is my home, my inspiration is the path of my soul, my dreams, nature and my dear friends. I exhibit in the gallery of Andreas Kalatzis in Chora of Patmos, in my home and solo exhibitions in the port of Thessaloniki but mainly in my beloved Patmos in collaboration with the island’s cultural centre. 
Γεννήθηκα στη Θεσσαλονίκη, μεγάλωσα στην Αθήνα, ήμουν μαθήτρια της σχολής Βακαλό, στον κλάδο της γραφιστικής τέχνης, ένας έρωτας με πήγε στη Μύκονο, όπου έμεινα 22 χρόνια, εκεί κοντά στη Δήλο δηλώθηκε η αγάπη μου για την κεραμική και αποκαλύφθηκε στην αγαπημένη μου Πάτμο, όπου ζω μόνιμα στον Κάμπο. Εργαζομαι χωρίς τροχό, το ατελιέ μου είναι το σπίτι μου, έμπνευση μου είναι η διαδρομή της ψυχής μου, τα όνειρα μου, η φύση και οι αγαπημένοι μου φίλοι. Εκθέτω στην γκαλερί του Ανδρέα Καλατζή στην Χώρα της Πάτμου, στο σπίτι μου και σε ατομικές εκθέσεις στο λιμάνι της Θεσσαλονίκης, αλλά κυρίως στην αγαπημένη Πάτμο σε συνεργασία με το πολιτιστικό κέντρο του νησιού.

“The Light of the four directions”

“The Mask of the Creative Thoughts”

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