Every year we organise a series of parallel events during the 12 days of the Aegean Film Festival. During the winter months, some of these events reoccur in big cities around the globe. They include premieres, parties, concerts, and exhibitions for both adults and/or children.


Some of the planned events for July 2019 are:

Opening Ceremony, open to the public, @ Cine Rex – Paros

Opening Beach Party, open to the public, @ Monastiri Restaurant – Paros

Echoes Dinner –  invitations & pass holders, @ Monastiri Restaurant – Paros

Introductions & Cocktails – guests only @ Patmos Aktis Hotel – Patmos

Filmmakers Brunch – filmmakers only @ TBC – Patmos

Films & Wine at the Vineyard – invitations & pass holders @ Patoinos Winery – Patmos

Films & Wine at the Vineyard – ticketed @ Patoinos Winery – Patmos

Boat Excursion to nearby Islands – guests & pass holders – Patmos

Closing Party – open to Public @ private house – Patmos

Festival Awards & Closing Ceremony – open to the public @ Skala Open Air Cinema – Patmos

For the exact details and times concerning the 2019 summer events, please check again after the 1st of June. Until then, you are welcome to attend one of our winter events, submit your films, or just send us any ideas or proposals for events at [email protected]

The Aegean Film Festival invited the award-winning photographer Darran Rees to spend 12 days on the island of Patmos during which he shared his artistic outlook with the festival’s audiences.

Below we proudly present a few photographs taken by Darran Rees during his stay in Patmos.
These are part of a 25-photograph exhibition entitled “12 days in Patmos”, produced by the festival and showcased in Patmos, Athens and London.

For more information or purchase requests contact – [email protected]

The Heart Of Patmos Nikolos Easy Rider ( Thanasis ) Giants of PatmosCyclops

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